
Return & Refund Policy

Our Return and Refund Policy was last updated 06 March 2024

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Return Policy 

We offer a 5-day return policy. 

If for whatever reasons, you want to return your order, you can do so within 5 days. 

We will arrange pickups for the return at no extra cost and we will replace your order. 


Refund Policy

We usually replace your order and deliver it to you free of cost. 

However, in case you want us to refund you, we do so provided you return your order and make a refund request within 5 days of delivery of your order(s).

Once we recieve your returned package, we will process your refund. 

Please note that for Cash On Delivery orders, we will deduct the delivery and shipping cost for the return and reimburse the balance. 


Order Cancellation 

In case you have placed an order and want to cancel it, we suggest you cancel it as soon as possible before we process or ship your order. You can inform us about your order cancellation via email, phone call or WhastApp.

Once the order is processed or shipped, you cannot cancel your order. And your order will be shipped to your address. 


If you want more information about our return, replacement and refund policies, please contact us via our contact page.