Hello there!
In today's blog post, we will focus on Assamese quotes or captions on a quintessential human trait - the smile.
Previously we have covered a range of Assamese quotes. If you want to check them out, see the links below.
1. Top 50 Assamese Quotes For All Age Groups
2. Top 30 Assamese Motivational Quotes on Self-confidence
3. 15 Best Assamese Quotes on Nature
4. 25 Short অসমীয়া Captions On Life
5. Top 25 Sad Quotes in Assamese
6. 25 Heartfelt Assamese Love Captions
7. 45 Best Assamese Captions For Instagram
Ok, with that out of the way, let's get back to today's topic.
So, here are the 37 best Assamese quotes on smile worth sharing with family, friends and/or followers.
1. একোটা হাঁহিৰ মূল্য অপৰিসীম।
Ekuta Hahir Mulya Oporihim.
Meaning in English - The value of a smile is immeasurable.
2. হাঁহিয়ে এজন মানুহক সুন্দৰ কৰি তোলে।
Hahiye Ejon Manuhok Hundor Kori Tule.
Meaning in English - A smile makes a person beautiful.
3. হাঁহি হৈছে সকলো সমস্যাৰ সমাধান।
Hahi Hoise Hokolu Homoishar Homadhan.
Meaning in English - A smile is the solution to all problems.
4. হাঁহিৰে সকলো বাধা অতিক্ৰম কৰিব পাৰি।
Hahire Hokolu Badha Otikrom Koribo Pari.
Meaning in English - With a smile, you can overcome all obstacles.
5. হাঁহিৰে দিনটো আৰম্ভ কৰক আৰু সুখেৰে সমাপ্ত কৰক।
Hahire Dintu Aarombho Korok Aru Hukhere Homapto Korok.
Meaning in English - Start the day with a smile and end it with happiness.
6. হাঁহি এটা সংক্ৰামক ৰোগ।
Hahi Eta Hongkramok Rug.
Meaning in English - A smile is a contagious disease.
7. হাঁহিৰে পৃথিৱী জয় কৰিব পাৰি।
Hahire Prithibi Joi Koribo Pari.
Meaning in English - You can conquer the world with a smile.
8. হাঁহি হৈছে আত্মাৰ খোৰাক।
Hahi Hoise Aatmar Khurak.
Meaning in English - A smile is the food of the soul.
9. হাঁহি হৈছে সকলো সম্পৰ্কৰ মূল্যবান উপহাৰ।
Hahi Hoise Hokolu Homporkor Mulyabaan Upohaar.
Meaning in English - A smile is a valuable gift in all relationships.
10. হাঁহিৰে দুখ দূৰ কৰিব পাৰি।
Hahire Dukh Dur Koribo Pari.
Meaning in English - You can overcome sorrow with a smile.
11. হাঁহি হৈছে স্বাস্থ্যৰ ৰক্ষা কৱচ।
Hahi Hoise Shasthor Rokkhya Kobos.
Meaning in English - A smile is a shield for health.
12. হাঁহিৰে আনন্দ বৃদ্ধি কৰিব পাৰি।
Hahire Aanondo Briddhi Koribo Pari.
Meaning in English - You can increase happiness with a smile.
13. হাঁহি হৈছে জীৱনৰ সুন্দৰ উপহাৰ।
Hahi Hoise Jibonor Hundor Upohaar.
Meaning in English - A smile is a beautiful gift of life.
14. হাঁহিয়ে মানুহক শক্তিশালী কৰি তোলে।
Hahiye Manuhok Hoktihali Kori Tule.
Meaning in English - A smile makes a person strong.
15. হাঁহি হৈছে সকলো সমস্যাৰ ঔষধ।
Hahi Hoise Hokolu Homoishyar Oukhod.
Meaning in English - A smile is the medicine for all problems.
16. হাঁহিয়ে দিনটো উজ্জ্বল কৰি তোলে।
Hahiye Dintu Ujjol Kori Tule.
Meaning in English - A smile brightens the day.
17. হাঁহি হৈছে মানৱ সম্পদ।
Hahi Hoise Manob Hompod.
Meaning in English - A smile is human wealth.
18. হাঁহিৰে প্ৰেম বৃদ্ধি কৰিব পাৰি।
Hahire Prem Briddhi Koribo Pari.
Meaning in English - You can increase love with a smile.
19. হাঁহি হৈছে জীৱনৰ আশাৰ পোহৰ।
Hahi Hoise Jibonor Akhar Puhor.
Meaning in English - A smile is the light of hope in life.
20. হাঁহিয়ে আনন্দ বৰ্ষণ কৰে।
Hahiye Aanondo Borkhon Kore.
Meaning in English - A smile showers happiness.
21. হাঁহিয়ে দুঃখ দূৰ কৰি আনন্দ আনে।
Hahiye Dukh Dur Kori Aanondo Aane.
Meaning in English - A smile removes sorrow and brings happiness.
22. হাঁহি হৈছে সকলোৰে বাবে উপহাৰ।
Hahi Hoise Hokolure Babe Upohaar.
Meaning in English - A smile is a gift for everyone.
23. হাঁহি হৈছে আত্মাৰ শান্তি।
Hahi Hoise Aatmar Haanti.
Meaning in English - A smile is the peace of the soul.
24. হাঁহিয়ে জীৱনৰ পথ সুন্দৰ কৰি তোলে।
Hahiye Jibonor Poth Hundor Kori Tule.
Meaning in English- A smile makes the path of life beautiful.
25. হাঁহিৰে আনন্দৰ বানপানী বৈ যায়।
Hahire Aanondor Baanpaani Boi Jai..
Meaning in English - The flood of happiness flows with a smile.
26. হাঁহিয়ে জীৱনৰ বোজা লঘু কৰি তোলে।
Hahiye Jibonor Buja loghu Kori Tule.
Meaning in English - A smile lightens the burden of life.
27. হাঁহি হৈছে সকলোৰে বাবে প্ৰেৰণা।
Hahi Hoise Hokolure Babe Prerina
Meaning in English - A smile is an inspiration for everyone.
28. হাঁহিৰে দুখৰ অন্ধকাৰ ভাঙি যায়।
Hahire Dukhor Ondhokar Bhangi Jai..
Meaning in English - The darkness of sorrow breaks with a smile.
29. হাঁহি হৈছে মনৰ আইনা।
Hahi Hoise Monor Aaina.
Meaning in English - A smile is the mirror of the mind.
30. হাঁহি হৈছে সকলোৰে বাবে শান্তিৰ বার্তা।
Hahi Hoise Hokolure Babe Haantir Barta.
Meaning in English - A smile is a message of peace for everyone.
31. হাঁহিয়ে দুখৰ অভাৱ কৰি তোলে।
Hahiye Dukhor Obhab Kori Tule.
Meaning in English - A smile eliminates sorrow.
32. হাঁহি হৈছে সকলোৰে বাবে আশীৰ্বাদ।
Hahi Hoise Hokolure Babe Aakhirbaad.
Meaning in English - A smile is a blessing for everyone.
33. হাঁহিয়ে জীৱনৰ সোৱাদ বৃদ্ধি কৰে।
Hahiye Jibonor Huwad Briddhi Kore .
Meaning in English - A smile enhances the taste of life.
34. হাঁহি হৈছে মানৱ জাতিৰ অমূল্য ধন।
Hahi Hoise Manob Jaatir Omulya Dhon.
Meaning in English - A smile is the invaluable wealth of humanity.
35. হাঁহি হৈছে জীৱনৰ সুন্দৰ সুৰ।
Hahi Hoise Jibonor Hundor Hur.
Meaning in English - A smile is the beautiful melody of life.
36. হাঁহিয়ে মনৰ বোজা লঘু কৰে।
Hahiye Monor Buja Loghu Kore.
Meaning in English - A smile lightens the burden of the mind.
37. হাঁহি হৈছে সকলোৰে বাবে প্ৰেৰণাৰ উৎস।
Hahi Hoise Hokolure Babe Preronar Utkho.
Meaning in English - A smile is the source of inspiration for everyone.
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Till next time…
Keep smiling!